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High Frequency Radiation
High-frequency also known as Radio-Frequency radiation is generated from wireless transmitters (WiFi / wireless routers, cell towers, cell phones, laptops, cordless phones, antennas, radars, utility smart meters and most other smart devices) which are used in wireless telecommunications, broadcasting and dozens of other applications. Their emission frequencies are usually from 0,1 - 10GHz (billion hertz), which are much higher than the low-frequency radiation from wired sources such as cables and transformers (AC frequency = 50-60 Hz).

There is a huge body of evidence to demonstrate that exposure to man-made Electromagnetic fields can cause adverse health effects on the human body. A plethora of research has linked EMFs to chronic inflammation which, it appears, is a precursor to so many of the modern diseases of civilization.
The most common RF radiation health symptoms are as follows:

    • Sleeping problems
    • Fatigue
    • Headaches
    • Elevated blood sugar levels
    • Tinnitus - Ringing in the ears
    • Learning problems and concentration - foggy head
    • Heart problems, heart palpitations and heart Arrhythmias
    • Stress, Agitation, Anxiety, Irritability
    • Vertigo - Feeling dizzy & having balance problems
    • Arthritis, Sharp Stabbing Pains, Body Pain
    • Cancer, Epistein - Bar- Virus
    • Depression
    • Seizures
    • Autism


                              In 2013, Dr. Herbert of Harvard and wireless expert Cindy Sage published a paper that outlined a wide range of autism symptoms that match known symptoms of wireless exposure, including genetic damage to sperm, calcium channel mutations, and inflammation. It is important for parents to understand that the wireless signals our electronic devices send and receive are a form of microwave radiation and these signals are known to disrupt calcium. Click here to go to article
                              This is a review from a total sceptic about EMF! I have been suffering from a form of long glandular fever and long covid for a long time. Western medicine did very little to help (although antihistamines for long covid have been beneficial). I also see a holistic practitioner who put me in touch with Samir. I decided to give the canopy a whirl, as the low-frequency readings in my house were very high. I totally didn't believe anything would happen, but I was at the end of my tether and thought I would try anything. However, much to my amazement since Samir installed the canopy my health has significantly improved. I know it's not placebo because I was so sceptical, but I can trace back the start of my improvement to when the canopy was installed. The Western doctor hasn't seen anything like it in terms of his experience with long covid. The holistic practitioner couldn't believe how much my health had improved as well. I would highly recommend Samir and the shielding. I now have had my office shielded and my wifi plummed in, so I'm hoping to continue trending upward terms of health. If anyone is suffering with their health and doesnt know what to do, I'd highly recommend getting Samir out to check the EMF at your place and see what solutions he will offer. My symptoms were lots of fatigue, brain fog, muscle aches, inability to exercise, flulike symptoms, sore throats, headaches etc and now after six weeks of using the canopy I would say my symptoms are about 10% of what they were. I am exercising, working again I am just feeling much better.

                              Laura F - Loughton "
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